My name is Stuart Leitch. My friends call me Stevie. I’ve been writing software and getting paid for it for 20 years or so. I mostly enjoy it but I’m occasionally frustrated by it.
I mostly work with Java and Spring with occasional dips into Python, NodeJS and Docker. I currently live in Glasgow and work with a remote security engineering team. I work mainly on the engineering side but have a strong interest in product security.
I wanted to keep a blog for a few reasons. First, I want to clarify a few opinions on how best to develop software and what makes a great software developer (because I’d like to be a great software developer some day). Secondly I want to keep a written record of what I’ve been working on, mistakes I have made and lessons I have learned. I’ve been doing this long enough that I’ve already forgotten lots of useful stuff that I really can’t be bothered learning again. Third, I’d like to exercise my writing muscles which are in some danger of atrophy. I used to do a fair bit of creative writing and quite enjoyed it. Writing is a good habit.
Although I’m keeping this blog primarily for my own benefit, I would hope that it’s of interest and benefit to others and I always welcome comments and criticisms.